What is canine arthritis? Osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease (DJD), is a progressive, debilitating disorder characterized by a loss of cartilage and the death of cartilage-producing […]
It’s Thanksgiving Day, the turkey is browning to perfection in the oven and the pies are cooling on the counter, the table is set with the finest linens, your favorite football team is playing on television – and they are winning. And to round out this perfect holiday moment, when your doorbell rings, your dog accompanies you to the door and sits quietly at your side as you greet your guests.
Thanksgiving is a little over a week away! Can you believe it? Maybe you have dogs of your own your relatives are bring their dogs over. There are common problems or emergencies that often happen […]
Vaccines and your cat Vaccines are administered to prepare the body’s immune system to fight off a particular disease. The vaccine is created from a part […]
What Is Spaying and Neutering? Spaying and neutering are surgical procedures performed by veterinarians that render dogs incapable of breeding by removing their reproductive organs. When […]
No Scaredy Cats This Halloween: Top 10 Safety Tips for Pet Parents Attention, animal lovers, it’s almost the spookiest night of the year! The ASPCA recommends taking […]