You’ve brought a new dog into your home—congratulations! Now comes your first dog-training challenge: house training. House training is not an exact science—there’s no sure-fire formula […]
What exactly happens when an animal is euthanized? Your veterinarian has special training to provide your pet with a humane and gentle death. Most often, he […]
Caring for a companion animal goes far beyond providing food, water and shelter. It takes research and careful planning to bring the right pet into your […]
Visit the aspca website that has a full list of toxic and non-toxic plants!
Dogs and cats are prone to debilitating ailments as they age, such as: kidney failure, heart disease, athritis, dental disease, cancer and much more! This is […]
Myth: Indoor cats don’t need preventative care. When was the last time we saw your cat? Cats need yearly (sometimes every 6 months) just like dogs! […]