Greyhound Racing
March 18, 2014Veterinary Dental Costs
March 27, 2014Before you know it, summer will be here! It’s time to start refreshing on your pets safety for the summer.
Be sure to read these tips!
• Come to the hospital immediately when a dog collapses.
The amount of time from collapse to admission resulted in more cases of disseminated
intravascular coagulation.
• Cool your dog off only if it will not delay arrival at a veterinary hospital.
Dogs cooled by owners did not have a better prognosis.
• Take extra precautions with overweight dogs on hot, humid days.
Overweight dogs had a case fatality rate double that of normal weight dogs. Develop a
weight loss plan with your veterinarian to benefit your pet’s health long term.
• If you have a bulldog, pug, shar pei, Pekinese or other brachycephalic breed, limit
their outdoor access on hot, humid days.
The short nose of these dogs may not allow adequate cooling on the hottest summer
days. These breeds were twice as likely to develop heat stoke compared to other dogs
seen at the same hospital.
• Although large breed dogs, such as golden or Labrador retrievers, rottweilers and
English bulldogs, need a lot of exercise, chose exercise times when the heat and
humidity are low.
These dogs were twice as likely to develop heat stroke compared to other dogs seen at
the same hospital and heat stroke occurred more frequently when the discomfort index
exceeded the average for a given day. Discomfort index is a measure of heat and
For additional information on managing heat stroke, Barton urged referring veterinarians to see
the June 2006 issue of The Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, which has an
excellent review on heat stroke pathophysiology and treatment.
The contents of this notice are for informational and educational purposes only. This notice is not intended to substitute for
professional veterinary advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The responsibility for assuring the health of animals remains with
treating veterinarians, and must be based upon their professional experience, knowledge of the patient, and communication
with the pet owner. The Animal Medical Center assumes no liability or responsibility for any diagnosis or treatment made in
reliance of this notice. To request not to receive future faxes from the Animal Medical Center, please call 212 329-8890.