Black Cat Day
October 27, 2022
National Black Cat Day
November 17, 2022KETOACIDOSIS
Know the Signs
- Animal is drinking a ton of water. The process of converting fat into energy requires a ton of water and should be investigated if seen.
- Animal becomes incontinent. When a well behaved dog starts drinking lots of water and having accidents inside, this can be a sign.
- Loss of appetite. Eventually a diabetic animal that is short on insulin will become lethargic and may stop eating all together.
- Vomiting or other digestive issues.
If your dog or cat is getting older and you are not sure you have been feeding them the best food, you should be aware of the signs of diabetes. If you have a breed that is more susceptible, you should be on the watch for signs.
You may want to look into a improving the diet of your aging pets. We have always been healthy eaters ourselves but we didn’t pay a lot of attention to the dog’s diet. And we were guilty of giving them way too many fatty table treats and have found out that many of the store treats were full of sugars.
Just like humans, diet matters to your pet’s health. If you want to improve the overall health of your pet, diet and exercise have to be addressed. Otherwise, you may be looking at a whole new situation: A by the clock eating schedule of low carb food, followed by an injection of insulin. Twice a day. Don’t be left wishing you’d seen the signs sooner.
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